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First prototype

Date: 17/01/2023


My idea so far was building a four-legged spider-like figure using inserts to insert the legs.

My initial concept entailed utilizing a joint that could be inserted and then twisted to secure it in place.


Subsequently, I created several sketches of the overall structure.



Second class

I familiarized myself with the process of loading and unloading filament from a Prusa printer.

load filament

Initially, I attempted to utilize Fusion 360 to design my prototype, however, I found the software to be cumbersome and unintuitive, so I elected to use Shapr3D instead.

My initial objective was to create the main body of my spider-like structure, so I employed an octagon inscribed within a 60mm radius circle.

In addition, I added eight inserts, each measuring 21.1132mm x 0.5mm, positioned 3.5657mm apart. The height of the prototype was then increased to 1mm.

first design

After completing the prototype, I configured Prusa Slicer with the MKS3 settings and enabled the SPEED option for two layers.

The initial printing time was one hour, so I subsequently decreased the height to 0.5mm and then to 0.3mm, ultimately reducing the printing time to 30 minutes.

extrude height

I initiated the printing process utilizing the SPEED option with two layers at 0.15mm each and a temperature of 180°C.

During the printing phase, I observed that one of my inserts had an incomplete side, and upon reviewing my sketch, I was unable to identify the cause of the issue. I ultimately concluded that it was an error with the printer.



Despite this issue, the overall result was promising, and further investigation is necessary to optimize the temperature and layer options.

first printed prototype